NDEBUG := t MPI := OMP := MKVERBOSE :=t COMP := gfortran # some routines need an eos/network (i.e. to compute thermodynamic # quantities. If that is the case, set NEED_EOS_NETWORK := t NEED_EOS_NETWORK := # define the location of the fParallel root directory FPARALLEL := ../.. # include the main Makefile stuff include $(FPARALLEL)/mk/GMakedefs.mak # define the packages to build these tools Fmdirs := boxlib \ extern/constants \ # directories containing files that are 'include'-d via Fortran Fmincludes := ifdef NEED_EOS_NETWORK Fmdirs += extern/EOS/helmeos \ extern/networks/ignition \ extern/VODE Fmincludes += extern/helmeos endif F90FLAGS += -fPIC FFLAGS += -fPIC CFLAGS += -fPIC Fmpack := $(foreach dir, $(Fmdirs), $(FPARALLEL)/$(dir)/GPackage.mak) Fmlocs := $(foreach dir, $(Fmdirs), $(FPARALLEL)/$(dir)) Fmincs := $(foreach dir, $(Fmincludes), $(FPARALLEL)/$(dir)) # include the necessary GPackage.mak files that define this setup include $(Fmpack) # vpath defines the directories to search for the source files VPATH_LOCATIONS += $(Fmlocs) # list of directories to put in the Fortran include path FINCLUDE_LOCATIONS += $(Fmincs) all: _load2d.so include $(FPARALLEL)/mk/GMakerules.mak _load2d.so:load2d.f90 $(objects) f2py --f90exec=/usr/bin/gfortran --f90flags='-fPIC -O3 -funroll-loops -fno-second-underscore -Jt/Linux.gfortran/m' -lgfortran -c -m _load2d load2d.f90 -L. $(objects) $(libraries) #ifdef MKVERBOSE # $(LINK.f90) -o $@ $< $(objects) $(libraries) #else # @echo "Linking $@ ... " # @$(LINK.f90) -o $@ $< $(objects) $(libraries) #endif