import numpy as np import stardb import kepdump import isotope import os def data(dbfilename = os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/')): """ This is the main data collecting module which gets every single isotope/remnant mass from the database which is later used to interpolate from to obtain desired values """ db = stardb.load(dbfilename) # loads database nmass = db.nvalues[0] # finds the number of values masses = db.values[0][:nmass] #creates a vector of the initial masses isodb = stardb.load(os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/')) massnumber = [] for x in range(len(isodb.ions)): mn = isodb.ions[x].A massnumber.append(mn) massnumber = np.array(massnumber)'~/python/project/filestoload/Massnumber'), massnumber) ####################### # write all energy and mixing values energyvalues = np.unique(db.fielddata['energy']) mixingvalues = np.unique(db.fielddata['mixing']) masterremnant = [] # result will be a multidimensional array elementdata = [] isodata = [] r = len(db.ions) # for loop iteration w = len(isodb.ions) for energy in energyvalues: remmixingarray = [] # reinitialise the next dimension elmixingarray = [] isomixingarray = [] for mixing in mixingvalues: ii = np.logical_and(np.isclose(db.fielddata['energy'], energy), np.isclose(db.fielddata['mixing'], mixing)) mass = db.fielddata[ii]['remnant'] remmixingarray.append(mass) # this is an array of remnant masses for one energy and every mixing value elfill = [] # reinitialise the next dimension again isofill = [] for m in range(w): a = isodb.ions[m] #for obtaining the element string kk = np.where(isodb.ions==isotope.ion(a)) # finding the indices in db.ions for a particular element jj = np.where(ii) isotopes =[jj, kk][0] # array of abundances for that particular element isofill.append(isotopes) # this is an array of element data for every mass for one energy and one mixing value isomixingarray.append(isofill) masterremnant.append(remmixingarray) # these master arrays have every bit of data under its own energy. so called like elementdata[energy][mixing][elementnumber] gives the element data for every star for a single element. isodata.append(isomixingarray)'~/python/project/filestoload/IsoData'), isodata)'~/python/project/filestoload/RemnantMasses'), masterremnant)'~/python/project/filestoload/Ioninfo'), isodb.ions) time = [] for mass in masses: # for loop will cycle through the masses and grab the lifetime of each star s = str(mass) # converts the mass number to a string for file acquiring if s.endswith('.0'): # formatting issue, to match the filenames s = s[:-2] filename = os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/dumps/z{}#presn').format(s) # grabs filename corrosponding to this mass d = kepdump.load(filename) # loads the kepdump data for this star time.append(d.time) yr = 365.2425*86400 time = np.array(time)/yr dataarray = [masses, time] return dataarray