import numpy as np import sn_analytic import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as mpatches import pandas as pd import stardb import kepdump import isotope from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from scipy.integrate import romberg, quad import polyinterp, fixtime, rombergintervalsolver, yieldout, projectplots, makedata, remnantobtain, elementobtain, massyieldplotter, solutionsolve, isoyieldplt, salpeter, re #energy functions def sn_energy_default(d): """ This is calling Heger and Mueller's sn_analytic code to get the explosion energy. To use a different energy, uncomment out the energy function below and set as desired. Make sure to use reload=True also when running Main """ sn=sn_analytic.SN() return sn.get_explosion(d)['e_expl']*1e-51 #def sn_energy_default(d): # return 1.2 #mixing function def mixfunc(energy): """ User can set any desired mixing value here. Useable values can be seen by loading the database or checking the mixingvalues parameter once the code has been run """ return 0.1 class Main(object): def __init__(self, dbfilename = os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/'), efunc = sn_energy_default, reload = False): """ init will check if the module has been run before and if so, will load all required files and data. If not, it will have to load the database and do all required interpolation and function solving which will take ~30 seconds. Applying reload=True will force the program to reload, do if energyfunc or mixing func was changed by the user """ save_path = os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/filestoload/') output_path = os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/outputfiles/') os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(save_path), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_path), exist_ok=True) if (not reload) and os.path.isfile(os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/filestoload/Energyvalues.npy')): energyvalues = np.load(os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/filestoload/Energyvalues.npy')) if (not reload) and os.path.isfile(os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/filestoload/Mixingvalues.npy')): mixingvalues = np.load(os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/filestoload/Mixingvalues.npy')) # checks if energy/mixing values file exists to avoid reloading else: d = stardb.load(dbfilename) energyvalues = np.unique(d.fielddata['energy']) mixingvalues = np.unique(d.fielddata['mixing'])'~/python/project/filestoload/Energyvalues.npy'), energyvalues)'~/python/project/filestoload/Mixingvalues.npy'), mixingvalues) self.i = 0 # initialise the checker for data if (not reload) and os.path.isfile(os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/filestoload/IsoData.npy')): self.isodata = np.load(os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/filestoload/IsoData.npy')) self.remnantmasses = np.load(os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/filestoload/SpecificRem.npy')) self.isotopes = np.load(os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/filestoload/SpecificIso.npy')) self.massnumber = np.load(os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/filestoload/Massnumber.npy')) = np.load(os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/filestoload/ProjectData.npy')) self.isoinfo = np.load(os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/filestoload/Ioninfo.npy')) self.time =[1] self.masses =[0] self.explodemass =[2] self.massfrac =[3] self.egy = np.load(os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/filestoload/egy.npy')) else: = np.array( self.i += 1 # need to run romberg and save data as data doesn't exist self.isodata = np.load(os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/filestoload/IsoData.npy')) self.isoinfo = np.load(os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/filestoload/Ioninfo.npy')) self.massnumber = np.load(os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/filestoload/Massnumber.npy')) self.time =[1] self.masses =[0] rem = np.load(os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/filestoload/RemnantMasses.npy')) self.remnantmasses = [] rem = np.load(os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/filestoload/RemnantMasses.npy')) self.isotopes = [] self.egy = [] for starcount in range(len(self.masses)): # loop through each star individually s = str(self.masses[starcount]) if s.endswith('.0'): # formatting issue, to match the filenames s = s[:-2] filename = os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/dumps/z{}#presn').format(s) # grabs filename corrosponding to this mass d = kepdump.load(filename) energy = efunc(d) self.egy.append(energy) mixing = mixfunc(energy) remnantmass = remnantobtain.remnant(energyvalues, mixingvalues, energy, mixing, rem, starcount) # this interpolates to grab the correct remnant mass isoarray = [] for isotopecount in range(self.isodata.shape[2]): k = elementobtain.element(energyvalues, mixingvalues, energy, mixing, self.isodata, starcount, isotopecount) # interpolates to find the correct isotope ejecta isoarray.append(k) if energy == 0.0: # this includes the start but no explosion/ejecta remnantmass=self.masses[starcount] isoarray=np.zeros(np.array(isoarray).shape) self.isotopes.append(isoarray) self.remnantmasses.append(remnantmass) reshape = np.array(self.isotopes) self.isotopes = np.swapaxes(reshape, 0, 1) self.remnantmasses = np.array(self.remnantmasses) self.explodemass = self.masses-self.remnantmasses self.massfrac = self.explodemass/self.masses'~/python/project/filestoload/SpecificRem'), self.remnantmasses)'~/python/project/filestoload/SpecificIso'), self.isotopes)'~/python/project/filestoload/egy'), self.egy)'~/python/project/filestoload/oldimf'), 0) print('Please run the enterIMF(IMF=...) function. Salpeter is the default IMF') def enterIMF(self, IMF=salpeter.initialmassfunc): """ Users enter desired IMF here by defining in the command line def yourimf(m): return m**2.35 or other function and use enterIMF(IMF=yourimf) """ oldimf = np.load(os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/filestoload/oldimf.npy'))'~/python/project/filestoload/oldimf'), IMF) if oldimf == IMF: self.RBsol =[5] self.isosol = np.load(os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/filestoload/Isosol.npy')) self.mastersum = np.load(os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/filestoload/Isocumsum.npy')) self.isointervalsum = np.load(os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/filestoload/Isointsum.npy')) self.numsteps = self.mastersum.shape[1] = np.load(os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/filestoload/Totalsum.npy')) else: self.i += 1 ###################################################################3 # c found using 1 solar mass and integrating the IMF from min mass to max mass. self.IMF = lambda m: m*IMF(m) self.c = 1/romberg(self.IMF, self.masses[0], self.masses[-1]) ##################################################################### # Interpolation of mass and time self.interpolationfunction = polyinterp.interp(3, self.time, self.masses) ##################################################################### # Correcting the times for the interpolation function [self.correctedtime, self.deriv] = fixtime.fix(self.interpolationfunction, self.masses, self.time) ####################################################################### #Linear interpolation of the mass fractions section self.fracinterp = interp1d(self.correctedtime, self.massfrac) self.isofracinterp = [] for x in range(self.isotopes.shape[0]): interp = interp1d(self.correctedtime,self.isotopes[x]*self.massfrac*self.massnumber[x]) self.isofracinterp.append(interp) self.isofracinterp = np.array(self.isofracinterp) ####################################################################### # THIS SECTION ONLY DONE IF IMF CHANGED if self.i > 0: # this meant the data was wrong or didn't exist [self.RBsol, self.isosol, self.mastersum,, self.isointervalsum] = solutionsolve.solver(self, self.correctedtime, self.fracinterp, self.isofracinterp, self.interpolationfunction, self.c, self.isotopes, self.IMF) self.numsteps = self.mastersum.shape[1]'~/python/project/filestoload/Totalsum'),'~/python/project/filestoload/Isocumsum'), self.mastersum)'~/python/project/filestoload/Isointsum'), self.isointervalsum) # this willsave the initial mass/time data and its integration result txtdata = np.c_[self.masses, self.time, self.explodemass, self.massfrac, self.correctedtime, self.RBsol] # this will save the data into columns in a text file for easy reading with open(os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/outputfiles/initialdata.txt'), 'wt') as f: f.write(('{:>20s}'*(6) + '\n').format('Initial Mass', 'Lifetime', 'Explosion Mass', 'Mass Fraction', 'Corrected Time', 'Interval Solution')) for line in txtdata: f.write(('{:>20.12e}'*(6) + '\n').format(*line.tolist()))'~/python/project/filestoload/ProjectData'), [self.masses, self.time, self.explodemass, self.massfrac, self.correctedtime, self.RBsol]) #this updates to include all 6 fields = np.load(os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/filestoload/ProjectData.npy'))'~/python/project/filestoload/Isosol'), self.isosol) self.i = 0 ################################################################### self.datalabels = ('Initial Mass', 'Lifetime', 'Explosion Mass', 'Mass Fraction', 'Corrected Time', 'Interval Solution') self.tmin = self.correctedtime[-1] self.tmax = self.correctedtime[0] ################################################################### # this is the master plotting code def plots(self): """ plots is a module which can plot: mass/time, interpolation function, mass/correctedtime, massfrac/time, the function which is integrated. """ self.plottingtool = projectplots.Plots(self.masses, self.time, self.interpolationfunction, self.correctedtime, self.fracinterp, self.massfrac, self.c, self.egy,self.IMF) ################################################################## # This function gives the total mass yield out as a fraction of initial mass for a given time period def massyield(self, tmin, tmax): """ yieldcode will return total ejecta massfraction over a given time interval input t1 and t2. tmin=3.01e6 years, tmax=2e7 years. """ self.intsum = yieldout.yieldcode(tmin, tmax, self.correctedtime, self.RBsol, self.fracinterp, self.interpolationfunction, self.c, self.IMF) return self.intsum ########################################################################## #Plotting total def massyieldplot(self): """ yieldplot will plot the total yield (massfraction of initial mass) over time """ massyieldplotter.yieldplot(self.tmin, self.tmax, self.correctedtime, self.RBsol, self.fracinterp, self.interpolationfunction, self.c, self.IMF) ######################################################################## #this function will plot the yield output over time for desired isotopes def isotopeyieldplot(self, ions=None): """ isotopeyieldplot plots the yield of the entered isotopes on a logscale alongwith the grand total of all isotopes ejected. Input desired isotopes as a string or isotope.ion array """ isoyieldplt.iyplot(self.tmin, self.tmax, self.numsteps, self.mastersum, self.isoinfo,, ions) ############################################################################ # this code will take time interval input along with isotopes and it will calculate the yield of those isotopes over the desired time interval def isoyield(self, tmin, tmax, ions=None): """ isoyield acts like massyield except it calculates the yield for any given isotope and time interval. Input tmin, tmax, isotopes as a string or isotope.ion array """ topes = ions if topes is None: topes = input('Enter desired isotopes: ') if isinstance (topes, str): topes = re.split('[ ,;]+', topes) topes = np.array([isotope.ion(x) for x in topes]) for x in range(len(topes)): topeindex = np.where(topes[x]==self.isoinfo)[0][0] self.intsum = yieldout.yieldcode(tmin, tmax, self.correctedtime, self.isosol[topeindex], self.isofracinterp[topeindex], self.interpolationfunction, self.c, self.IMF) print('The yield for ', self.isoinfo[topeindex],' is ', self.intsum) ############################################################################# # code here to produce table of values every ~100,000 years for each interval def datatable(self): """ Produces a table of values every ~100,000 years of the ejected mass fraction for every isotope from that period. """ numsteps = self.isointervalsum.shape[1] tinterval = (self.tmax-self.tmin)/numsteps table = [] t = 0 ti = [] for x in range(numsteps): t += tinterval ti.append(t) table.append(ti) elnames = [] for x in range(len(self.isoinfo)): table.append(self.isointervalsum[x]) elnames.append(self.isoinfo[x]) self.table = np.array(table) reshape = np.swapaxes(self.table, 0, 1) nel = len(self.isoinfo) with open(os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/outputfiles/noexplisoyieldtable.txt'), 'wt') as f: f.write(('{:>20s}'*(1+nel) + '\n').format('time', *elnames)) for line in reshape: f.write(('{:>20.12e}'*(1+nel) + '\n').format(*line.tolist())) ########################################################## # will produce a stack plot of contribution by isotopes def stackplot(self, ions = None): """ Produces a plot of contributions of each isotope towards the total ejected fraction also plots the rate of ejection over time for each isotope. Input desired isotopes as a string or isotope.ion vector """ topes = ions if topes is None: topes = input('Enter desired isotopes: ') if isinstance (topes, str): topes = topes.split() topes = np.array([isotope.ion(x) for x in topes]) fig = plt.figure(1) ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) taxis = np.linspace(self.tmin, self.tmax, self.numsteps) y = [] # this will collect the required isotopes to be stacked, will also create the legend as stackplot can't do it. for x in range(len(topes)): topeindex = np.where(topes[x]==self.isoinfo)[0][0] y.append(self.mastersum[topeindex]) ax.plot([],[],label=self.isoinfo[topeindex].LaTeX()) ax.plot(taxis,, '--', label='Grand Total') # this resets the colour cycle to default so the stackplot colours match with the legend, generalises the code and allowsthe user to select any number of isotopes plt.gca().set_prop_cycle(None) ax.stackplot(taxis, y) ax.set_ylabel('Ejecta Mass Fraction') ax.set_xlabel('Time(years)') ax.set_title('Contribution by isotopes to ejecta.') ax.legend(loc='upper left') fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/outputfiles/stackplot.pdf'), bbox_inches='tight') fig = plt.figure(2) plt.gca().set_prop_cycle(None) bx = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) for x in range(len(topes)): topeindex = np.where(topes[x]==self.isoinfo)[0][0] m= lambda t: np.exp(self.interpolationfunction(np.log(t))) y= lambda t: -self.IMF(m(t))*self.c*self.deriv(np.log(t))*self.isofracinterp[topeindex](t)/t*m(t) bx.plot(taxis,y(taxis), label=self.isoinfo[topeindex].LaTeX()) bx.set_ylabel('Ejecta Rate (massfraction per year)') bx.set_xlabel('Time(years)') bx.set_title('Rate of mass ejection over time.') bx.legend(loc='upper right') fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(os.path.expanduser('~/python/project/outputfiles/ejectarate.pdf'), bbox_inches='tight')