import numpy as np from .functions import Color, register_color, colormap from .models import _color_models from .utils import rgb2hex, rgb from ._utils import Slice from .ofilters import get_output_filter class LevelData(Color): """ base class to provide set of colors for line plots or level-based color functions TODO - allow output a as float tuples, maybe make default? TODO - integrte color filtering for final output. """ _hexcols = np.array([]) _xarr = None _missing = None _col_func = None def __init__(self, n = None, **kwargs): if n is None: if self._xarr is not None: assert len(self._xarr) <= len(self._hexcols) n = len(self._xarr) else: n = len(self._hexcols) self._n = n if self._xarr is not None: nx = len(self._xarr) else: nx = len(self._hexcols) if n > nx: if self._col_func is not None: self._xarr = None c = IsoColors(self._col_func, n, **kwargs) self._hexcols = c._hexcols.copy() else: if self._xarr is not None: self._hexcols = self._hexcols[self._xarr[nx - 1]] self._xarr = None self._hexcols = self._hexcols[np.arange(n) % nx] super().__init__(**kwargs) def _function(self, data, *args, **kwargs): values = self.__call__() values = rgb(values) index = np.minimum((data * len(values)).astype(int), len(values) - 1) out = np.choose(index.reshape(-1,1), values.reshape(-1, 3)) return _color_models['RGB'](out) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], np.ndarray): return super().__call__(*args, **kwargs) # TODO - deal with len(args) > 1 and iterable args[0] none = object() n = kwargs.get('n', none) if n is none: if len(args) > 0: n = args[0] assert isinstance(n, int), f'require integer argument: {n}' else: n = None if n is None: n = self._n assert 0 < n <= self._n, f'no more than {self._n} colors' return self[:n] def _get(self, index): if self._xarr is None: colors = self._hexcols[index] else: colors = self._hexcols[self._xarr[self._n - 1][index]] return self._index_filter(colors, index) def __getitem__(self, index): # TODO - add iterable index lists, e.g., multi-D np arrays? if isinstance(index, slice): return [self._get(j) for j in Slice(index, size = self._n)] else: return self._get(index) def __len__(self): return self._n def _index_filter(self, colors, index): if self._n > 1: scale = 1 / (self._n - 1) else: scale = 1 if isinstance(colors, str): return self._hexfilter(colors, index * scale) return np.array([ self._hexfilter(c, i * scale) for c, i in zip(colors, index)]) def _hexfilter(self, h, x): output_filter = get_output_filter() if self._filter is None and self._xfilter is None and output_filter is None: return h assert isinstance(h, str) rgba = rgb(h, alpha = 1.).reshape((1,4)) if self._xfilter is not None: x = np.array(x).reshape((1,)) rgba = self._xfilter(rgba, x) if self._filter is not None: rgba = self._filter(rgba).reshape(4) if output_filter is not None: rgba = output_filter._filter(rgba).reshape(4) h = rgb2hex(rgba.reshape(4)) return h class Reverse(LevelData): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._color = args[0] super().__init__(*(args[1:]), **kwargs) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], np.ndarray): x = args[0] ii = np.logical_and(0 <= x, x <= 1) x[ii] = 1 - x[ii] args = (x,) + args[1:] return self._color(*args, **kwargs) return self._color(*args, **kwargs)[::-1] def __getitem__(self, *args): x = self._color()[::-1] return x.__getitem__(*args) def __len__(self): return self._color.len() class IsoColorBlind(LevelData): """ Colour-blind proof distinct colours module, based on work by Paul Tol Pieter van der Meer, 2011 SRON - Netherlands Institute for Space Research """ _hexcols = np.array([ '#332288', '#88CCEE', '#44AA99', '#117733', '#999933', '#DDCC77', '#CC6677', '#882255', '#AA4499', '#661100', '#6699CC', '#AA4466', '#4477AA', ]) _xarr = [ [12], [12, 6], [12, 6, 5], [12, 6, 5, 3], [0, 1, 3, 5, 6], [0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 8], [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 6, 7, 8], [0, 10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 6, 7, 8], [0, 10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 6, 11, 7, 8], ] register_color('IsoBlind', IsoColorBlind) class IsoColorBlind4(LevelData): """ Colour-blind proof distinct colours module, based on Tim van Werkhoven ( """ _hexcols = np.array([ '#332288', '#88CCEE', '#999933', '#AA4499', '#4477AA', ]) register_color('IsoBlind4', IsoColorBlind4) class IsoColorBlind8(LevelData): """ Colour-blind proof distinct colours module, based on Tim van Werkhoven ( """ _hexcols = np.array([ '#332288', '#88CCEE', '#117733', '#DDCC77', '#CC6677', '#AA4499', '#44AA99', '#882255', ]) register_color('IsoBlind8', IsoColorBlind8) class IsoGraySave(LevelData): """ Colour-blind proof and gray-save distinct colors module, based on work by Paul Tol Pieter van der Meer, 2011 SRON - Netherlands Institute for Space Research """ _hexcols = np.array([ '#809BC8', '#FF6666', '#FFCC66', '#64C204', ]) _xarr = [ [0], [0, 1], [0, 1, 3], [0, 1, 2, 3], ] register_color('IsoGraySave', IsoGraySave) class IsoColorAlt(LevelData): """ Colour-blind proof colors scheme, based on work by Paul Tol SRON - Netherlands Institute for Space Research """ _missing = '#DDDDDD' _hexcols = np.array([ '#3366AA', '#11AA99', '#66AA55', '#CCCC55', '#777777', '#FFEE33', '#EE7722', '#EE3333', '#992288', ]) register_color('IsoAlt', IsoColorAlt) class IsoColorRainbow(LevelData): """ Colour-blind proof colors scheme, based on work by Paul Tol SRON - Netherlands Institute for Space Research """ _missing = '#EEEEEE' _hexcols = np.array([ '#781C81', '#3F4EA1', '#4683C1', '#57A3AD', '#6DB388', '#B1BE4E', '#DFA53A', '#E7742F', '#D92120', ]) register_color('IsoRainbow', IsoColorRainbow) class IsoColorRainbow2(LevelData): """ Colour-blind proof colors scheme, based on work by Paul Tol SRON - Netherlands Institute for Space Research """ _missing = '#777777' _hexcols = np.array([ '#BB2E72', '#B178A6', '#D6C1DE', '#1965B0', '#5289C7', '#78AFDE', '#4EB265', '#90C987', '#CAEDA8', '#F7EE55', '#F6C141', '#F1932D', '#E8601C', '#DC050C', ]) register_color('IsoRainbow2', IsoColorRainbow2) class IsoColorDivergeBR(LevelData): """ Colour-blind proof colors scheme, based on work by Paul Tol SRON - Netherlands Institute for Space Research """ _missing = '#FFEE99' _hexcols = np.array([ '#2166AC', '#4393C3', '#92C5DE', '#D1E5F0', '#F7F7F7', '#FDDBC7', '#F4A582', '#D6604D', '#B2182B', ]) register_color('IsoDivergeBR', IsoColorDivergeBR) class IsoColorDivergePG(LevelData): """ Colour-blind proof colors scheme, based on work by Paul Tol SRON - Netherlands Institute for Space Research """ _missing = '#FFEE99' _hexcols = np.array([ '#762A83', '#9970AB', '#C2A5CF', '#E7D4EB', '#F7F7F7', '#D9FDD3', '#ACD39E', '#5AAE61', '#1B7837', ]) register_color('IsoDivergePG', IsoColorDivergePG) class IsoColorLight(LevelData): """ Light colors for marking text. Colour-blind proof colors scheme, based on work by Paul Tol SRON - Netherlands Institute for Space Research """ _hexcols = np.array([ '#BBCCEE', '#CCEEFF', '#CCDDAA', '#EEEEBB', '#FFCCCC' ]) register_color('IsoLight', IsoColorLight) class IsoColorDark(LevelData): """ Dark colors for text. Colour-blind proof colors scheme, based on work by Paul Tol SRON - Netherlands Institute for Space Research """ _hexcols = np.array([ '#222255', '#225555', '#225522', '#666633', '#663333' ]) # TODO: add _xarr register_color('IsoDark', IsoColorDark) class IsoColorRainbowLight(LevelData): """ Light rainbow colors Doc. no. : SRON/EPS/TN/09-002 Issue : 2.2 Date : 29 December 2012 """ _hexcols = np.array([ '#77AADD', '#77CCCC', '#88CCAA', '#DDDD77', '#DDAA77', '#DD7788', '#CC99BB', ]) register_color('IsoRainbowLight', IsoColorRainbowLight) class IsoColorRainbowMedium(LevelData): """ Medium rainbow colors Doc. no. : SRON/EPS/TN/09-002 Issue : 2.2 Date : 29 December 2012 """ _hexcols = np.array([ '#4477AA', '#44AAAA', '#44AA77', '#AAAA44', '#AA7744', '#AA4455', '#AA4488', ]) register_color('IsoRainbowMedium', IsoColorRainbowMedium) class IsoColorRainbowDark(LevelData): """ Dark rainbow colors Doc. no. : SRON/EPS/TN/09-002 Issue : 2.2 Date : 29 December 2012 """ _hexcols = np.array([ '#114477','#117777', '#117744', '#777711', '#774411', '#771122', '#771155', ]) register_color('IsoRainbowDark', IsoColorRainbowDark) class IsoColorPPT(LevelData): """ Powerpoint Colors for dark background Doc. no. : SRON/EPS/TN/09-002 Issue : 2.2 Date : 29 December 2012 """ _hexcols = np.array([ '#FFFFFF', '#FFFFCC', '#FFCC66', '#809BC8', '#64C204', '#FF6666', ]) _missing = '#424242' register_color('IsoPPT', IsoColorPPT) class IsoColorSequenceEarth(LevelData): """ Sequence Data Earth Colors Doc. no. : SRON/EPS/TN/09-002 Issue : 2.2 Date : 29 December 2012 """ _hexcols = np.array([ '#FFFFE5', '#FFF7BC', '#FEE391', '#FEC44F', '#FB9A29', '#EC7014', '#CC4C02', '#993404', '#662506', '#8C2D04', '#FFFBD5', '#D95F0E', '#FED98E', ]) _xarr = [ [ 4], [ 2, 6], [ 1, 3,11], [10,12, 4, 6], [10,12, 4,11, 7], [10, 2, 3, 4,11, 7], [10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9], [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9], [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], ] _col_func = 'BlindWR' register_color('IsoSequenceEarth', IsoColorSequenceEarth) class IsoColorDivergeBWR(LevelData): """ Diverging Data Blue-White-Red Doc. no. : SRON/EPS/TN/09-002 Issue : 2.2 Date : 29 December 2012 """ _hexcols = np.array([ '#3D52A1', '#3A89C9', '#77B7E5', '#B4DDF7', '#E6F5FE', '#FFFAD2', '#FFE3AA', '#F9BD7E', '#ED875E', '#D24D3E', '#AE1C3E', '#99C7EC', '#F5A275', '#008BCE', '#D03232', ]) _xarr = [ [ 5], [11,12], [11, 5,12], [13, 3, 7, 14], [13, 3, 5, 7,14], [ 1,11, 4, 6,12, 9], [ 1,11, 4, 5, 6,12, 9], [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9], [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9,10], [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10], ] _col_func = 'BlindBWR' register_color('IsoDivergeBWR', IsoColorDivergeBWR) class IsoColorRainbow(LevelData): """ Rainbow data Doc. no. : SRON/EPS/TN/09-002 Issue : 2.2 Date : 29 December 2012 """ _hexcols = np.array([ '#781C81', '#413B93', '#4065B1', '#488BC2', '#55A1B1', '#63AD99', '#7FB972', '#B5BD4C', '#D9AD3C', '#E68E34', '#E6642C', '#D92120', '#404096', '#416CB7', '#4D95BE', '#5BA7A7', '#6EB387', '#A1BE56', '#D3B33F', '#E59435', '#E6682D', '#3F479B', '#4277BD', '#529DB7', '#62AC9B', '#86BB6A', '#C7B944', '#E39C37', '#E76D2E', '#3F4EA1', '#4683C1', '#57A3AD', '#6DB388', '#B1BE4E', '#DFA53A', '#E7742F', '#3F56A7', '#4B91C0', '#5FAA9F', '#91BD61', '#D8AF3D', '#E77C30', '#3F60AE', '#539EB6', '#CAB843', '#E78532', '#404096', '#498CC2', '#BEBC48', '#E68B33', '#7DB874', '#57A3AD', '#DEA73A', ]) _xarr = [ [11], [46,11], [46,50,11], [46,51,52,11], [46,23,50,27,11], [46,47, 5,48,49,11], [ 0,42,43,32,44,45,11], [ 0,36,37,38,39,40,41,11], [ 0,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,11], [ 0,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,11], [ 0,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,11], [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11], ] _col_func = 'BlindRainbow' # register_color('IsoDivergeBWR', IsoColorDivergeBWR) class IsoColorRainbow14(LevelData): """ Banded Rainbow Scheme Doc. no. : SRON/EPS/TN/09-002 Issue : 2.2 Date : 29 December 2012 """ _hexcols = np.array([ '#882E72', '#B178A6', '#D6C1DE', '#1965B0', '#5289C7', '#7BAFDE', '#4EB265', '#90C987', '#CAE0AB', '#F7EE55', '#F6C141', '#F1932D', '#E8601C', '#DC050C', ]) register_color('IsoRainbow14', IsoColorRainbow14) class IsoColorRainbow15(LevelData): """ Banded Rainbow Scheme Doc. no. : SRON/EPS/TN/09-002 Issue : 2.2 Date : 29 December 2012 """ _hexcols = np.array([ '#114477', '#4477AA', '#77AADD', '#117755', '#44AA88', '#99CCBB', '#777711', '#AAAA44', '#DDDD77', '#771111', '#AA4444', '#DD7777', '#771144', '#AA4477', '#DD77AA', ]) register_color('IsoRainbow15', IsoColorRainbow15) class IsoColorRainbow18(LevelData): """ Banded Rainbow Scheme Doc. no. : SRON/EPS/TN/09-002 Issue : 2.2 Date : 29 December 2012 """ _hexcols = np.array([ '#771155', '#AA4488', '#CC99BB', '#114477', '#4477AA', '#77AADD', '#117777', '#44AAAA', '#77CCCC', '#777711', '#AAAA44', '#DDDD77', '#774411', '#AA7744', '#DDAA77', '#771122', '#AA4455', '#DD7788', ]) register_color('IsoRainbow18', IsoColorRainbow18) class IsoColorRainbow21(LevelData): """ Banded Rainbow Scheme Doc. no. : SRON/EPS/TN/09-002 Issue : 2.2 Date : 29 December 2012 """ _hexcols = np.array([ '#771155', '#AA4488', '#CC99BB', '#114477', '#4477AA', '#77AADD', '#117777', '#44AAAA', '#77CCCC', '#117744', '#44AA77', '#88CCAA', '#777711', '#AAAA44', '#DDDD77', '#774411', '#AA7744', '#DDAA77', '#771122', '#AA4455', '#DD7788', ]) register_color('IsoRainbow21', IsoColorRainbow21) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- class IsoColorRainbowMulti(LevelData): """ multiple shades of rainbow colors Doc. no. : SRON/EPS/TN/09-002 Issue : 2.2 Date : 29 December 2012 """ colors = (IsoColorRainbowLight, IsoColorRainbowMedium, IsoColorRainbowDark) _hexcols = np.concatenate([c._hexcols for c in colors]) ######################################################################## class IsoColors(LevelData): """ create line colors or level data based on color function color can be name or class """ def __init__(self, color = None, n = 7, endpoint = None, **kwargs): # TODO: add *args if isinstance(color, str): color = colormap(color, **kwargs) elif isinstance(color, type): color = color(**kwargs) assert isinstance(color, Color) if endpoint is None: c0 = color(0) c1 = color(1) dc = np.sum((c1-c0)**2) endpoint = dc > 2 / n self._hexcols = np.array([rgb2hex(color(np.array(x))[0:3]) for x in np.linspace(0, 1, n, endpoint = endpoint)]) super().__init__(**kwargs) class IsoColorLights(LevelData): """ create line colors or level data based on color function For each color, add different levels of lightness. color can be name or class """ def __init__(self, color = None, n = 7, lights = 3, maxlight = 0.8, minlight = 0.5, collate = False, endpoint = None, **kwargs): # TODO: add *args if isinstance(color, str): color = colormap(color, **kwargs) elif isinstance(color, type): color = color(**kwargs) assert isinstance(color, Color) if endpoint is None: c0 = color(0) c1 = color(1) dc = np.sum((c1-c0)**2) endpoint = dc > 2 / n cols = np.array([color(np.array(x)) for x in np.linspace(0, 1, n, endpoint = endpoint)]) h,s,l = _color_models['HSL'].inverse(cols[:,0], cols[:,1], cols[:,2]) a = cols[:,3] if isinstance(lights, (int, float)): lights = np.linspace(minlight, maxlight / max(l), lights, endpoint = True) assert isinstance(lights, np.ndarray) h = np.repeat(h, len(lights)) s = np.repeat(s, len(lights)) a = np.repeat(a, len(lights)) l = np.repeat(l, len(lights)) * np.tile(lights, len(l)) r,g,b = _color_models['HSL'](h,s,l) cols = np.array([r,g,b,a]).transpose() cols = np.array([rgb2hex(c[0:3]) for c in cols]) if not collate: cols = cols.reshape((-1, len(lights))).transpose().reshape(-1) self._hexcols = cols super().__init__(**kwargs)